This interview with Crossworm was conducted via WhatsApp. Crossworm of Grand Rapids, Michigan gets into details on why his latest effort “Drowning In Restricted Thought” was delayed, deportation problems within the United States, details behind a new project titled “Northern Horror Story” and more!
1 – Let’s get into the delay of the album. The preorders happened during the summer, if I remember correctly. You got caught into a VISA / Immigration problem which I’m glad to see got resolved. It’s cool that you got right back into making music and everything but it sucks that you also got backed up (on your mixing clients). Let’s get into that and what is going to happen with this new album “Drowning In Restricted Thought”.
2 – Hell yeah to all of that man. Wow! So my main question for all this is…. while it’s cool that you chose to print a hardcover book with all the lyrics and artwork, what inspired you to go this route for this album ?
3 – Will there still be a music video for your song “Police State”?
4 – You’ve been releasing horror songs with Renigade in a a group called Blister, but I hear your new solo album after DIRT is also going to be a horror record. What is the name of this new album and what brought you back to the “dark side”?
The fact that your life was possibly about to crumble, you chose not to dwell and decided to work on something completely different. I admire that kind of passion and integrity. Regarding your history you’re so well connected to the horror genre. It’s amazing to see that you’re still at it after all these years.
5 – Back to Northern Horror Story. The fans of the Dirtcore movement gotta know the scoop. Will it be like a story telling concept album a la Q Strange or J Hexx Project ? Or possibly a bunch of stories that interconnect ? Will it just be you fully solo? Any collaborations or narrators ?
6 – “Horror in General”. I like that. You live in Michigan now. Would you say the whole autumn backwoods / Evil Dead / possession vibe is a part of your inspiration for the album title? Also….what are some of the production themes you’re putting together? Can we expect the classic dirtcore sound or something else?
7 – You got me all excited! Damn! Can we get into what you have planned for the album cover. I figure you’re definitely going to draw it by hand again. What kind of route are you going with that ?
(Crossworm texts several pictures to Chad and continues to explain the cover art)
8 – I’m sure you don’t have a release date set yet, but will you just kind of spring it on us or will you wait until Halloween?
Wow I definitely like that you’re branching out and decided to do something completely different to throw people off. Posters would definitely be cool too.
9 – I feel like you’re truly creating art with this. Back to DIRT… how many songs do you have finished and how many left to finish for the album.
10 – I also agree about releases on Halloween. Speaking of the Devilz Nite Compilation series… will you every bring that back ? How would you do it differently ?
11 – Yeah that seems to be exactly the case. We really didn’t need the forums anymore and people started flocking to facebook.
I’ve notice that you have kinda conquered reaching people on social media using memes. How different is that from the way you promoted online back in the late 90s? And how are you using that to reach new fans?
12 – That is insane I love it dude! I think you should use a meme that has a DL link for DIRT and Northern Horror Story. It might help drive people to it.
13 – Artistically where do you want to be RIGHT NOW with your Music?
14 – What do you think is your greatest achievement as an artist is?
15 – Ok, this is a weird question. If you could associate these two albums with a certain food what would they be ?
16 – “Whisky when I’m locked inside my head” Can we get into that in more detail ?
That is a very deep response. I think people will be able to connect with that on a personal level and it gives fans more of an insight as who you are as a real person versus just a persona at arms length.
17 – When will Crossworm ever tour or play live? If you were invited to perform at the GOTJ again, would you accept it ? How do you envision your stage production ?
18 – What advice could you give musicians / artists just starting out in any genre?
19 – If you were selected to have your music appear on any horror movie or franchise what would it be ?
20 – Final Shout out??
Shouting out your teenage self? I like that! Hey it was a pleasure to do this interview man. Thank you again for taking time out of your day to do this I appreciate it.